Founded on the Teachings of Adon Yahoshéa The Nazoraean Messiah
Disciple T. Williams
..."For the Kingdom of God is not in speech but in Power"...
Human deception is the deep belief in lies. It is the things we believe which are not true that deceives us! There is nothing more ignorant than people dedicated to the preservation of lies which they embrace as truth. To unlearn a person a lie is one of the most difficult jobs of life, but unlearning a person a lie that has been implanted since birth is almost impossible. But this is the mission.
This ministry is dedicated to setting free the tormented, oppressed, obsessed, harassed, possessed, depressed, addicted, sick, and destroying yokes, breaking barriers, binding devils and loosing the Power of the Creator and His heavenly forces on earth.
It is a free online prayer service. It is designed to empower those in need of prayer support with a fast and safe means of connecting with people who care about the needs of others. Our goal is to ordain Disciples who pray in Faith for the needs of others. Our purpose is not focused on religion. Our ultimate purpose is to reveal the supernatural power and love of the Creator.
1. We believe in the Spiritual Gifts from the Holy Spirit, as recorded in -1 CORINTHIANS 12: 1-11.
2. We believe in the Spiritual Ministry Gifts from the Messiah, as recorded in -EPHESIANS 4: 7-11.
Some work is very difficult to perform with out the proper tools. To cut a tree down would be impossible without a saw. Spiritual gifts are the tools that the Creator and the Messiah gives us to enable us to be more effective in accomplishing the work of deliverance. They are not an optional extra for the ultra special people, but a Divine Gift to all Believers that dare to open themselves up to the Power of the Creator working through them.