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The Israelite Breath
By Malak Titus
In proper breathing one must first of all learn how to breath through the nostrils, and overcome the common practice of mouth-breathing. Our breathing mechanism is so constructed that we may breathe either through the mouth or nasal tubes, but it is a matter of vital importance which method we follow, as one brings health and strength and the other disease and weakness.
Many contagious diseases are contracted by the disgusting habit of mouth-breathing, and many cases of cold and catarrhal affections are also attributable to the same cause. The organs of respiration have their only protective apparatus, filter, or dust-catcher, in the nostrils. when the breath is taken through the mouth, there is nothing from mouth to lungs to strain the air, or to catch the dust and other foreign matter that is in the air. From mouth to lungs the dirt or impure substance has a clear track, and the entire respiratory system is unprotected.
Ha Yshra'ali Neshamah (The Israelite Breath) is the very foundation of the Nazoraean-Israelite Spiritual Teachings, and the student must fully be acquainted with it and master it perfectly. One should inhale a series of Israelite Breaths several times a day, whenever opportunity offers, in order to keep the Tabernacle (Temple of the Body) in good order and condition.
..."As long as my NeSHaMaH (Breath) is in me, and Ha RWKHa 'ALoaH (The Spirit of God) is in my nostrils"... -JOB 27: 3