JAPHETH Adataneses Milcah Zauja-e-Hud bin 'Abdullah
HAM Egyptus ONBEKEND AANTAL GENERATIES PHARAOH Ne'elatama'uk (Na'eltama'uk)
SHEM Sedeqetelebab
CUSH   Qarnabil Semiramis Hept Ishtar NIMROD Semiramis (Sarpanitu) Hept Ishtar Sugka Azurad (Azura) Nebrod MITZRAIM Isis PHUT Bakht CANAAN/CAINAN Melka Arsal Milcah (Zauja-e-Hud bin 'Abdullah)  EGYPTUS LIBYA
ARPACHSHAD Rasueja CAINAN/CANAAN Melka Arsal Milcah (Zauja-e-Hud bin 'Abdullah)  SHELACH EBER Azurad (Azura)   PELEG YOKTAN
NOAH Emzara
What   exactly   was   the   "Curse   of   Canaan "   all   about?   The   LORD   GOD   had   made   Garments   of skin   for   Adam   and   Eve   in   the   Garden   of   Eden   -GENESIS   3:   21 .   As   a   birthright   of   the   first- born these Garments were passed on down to Noah: …”And   the   garments   of   skin   which   God   made   for   Adam   and   his   wife,   when   they   went   out   of the   garden,   were   given   to   Cush.   For   after   the   death   of Adam   and   his   wife,   the   garments   were given   to   Enoch,   the   son   of   Jared,   and   when   Enoch   was   taken   up   to   God,   he   gave   them   to Methuselah,   his   son.   And   at   the   death   of   Methuselah,   Noah   took   them   and   brought   them   to the ark, and they were with him until he went out of the ark”... -BOOK OF JASHER 7: 24-26 Let   us   now   take   this   question   into   consideration.   In   the   Holy   Bible   at   -GENESIS   9:   20-25   there   is   found   recorded   the   events   which   led   to   a   curse   being   put   on   Canaan .   Let   us   now consider -GENESIS 9: 20-25  which reads as follows... ..."And   Noah    began   to   till   the   ground;   and   he   planted   a   vineyard;   And   he   drank   of   it's   wine, and   became   drunk;   and   he   was   uncovered   within   his   tent.   AND    HAM ,   THE   FATHER   OF   CANAAN   SAW THE NAKENESS OF HIS FATHER "... Please Take Note: ..." HAM , THE FATHER OF   CANAAN   SAW THE NAKENESS OF HIS FATHER "... One   day   when   Noah   was   drunk,   Ham   took   the   garments   of   skin   from   Noah   and   hid   them from   his   brothers.   When   Ham’s   first   son   Cush   was   born   Ham   gave   the   garments   of   skin   to him: …”And   in   their   going   out,   Ham   stole   those   garments   from   Noah   his   father,   and   he   took   them and   hid   them   from   his   brothers.   And   when   Ham   begat   his   first   born   Cush,   he   gave   him   the garments in secret, and they were with Cush many days”... -BOOK OF JASHER 7: 27-28 Let's Continue: ..."And he told his two brothers outside. And Shem and Japheth took a mantle and laid it upon both their shoulders and walked backward and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were turned away and they did not see their father's nakedness. WHEN NOAH AWOKE FROM HIS WINE, AND KNEW WHAT HIS YOUNGER SON HAD DONE TO HIM"... Please Take Note: ..."AND KNEW WHAT HIS YOUNGER SON HAD DONE TO HIM"... Let's Continue: ..."HE    SAID    CURSED    BE    CANAAN ;    A    SLAVE    OF    SLAVES    HE    WILL    BE    TO    HIS BROTHERS"... -GENESIS 9: 20-25 Please Take Note: ..."HE    SAID    CURSED    BE    CANAAN ;    A    SLAVE    OF    SLAVES    HE    WILL    BE    TO    HIS BROTHERS"... Now, why did Noah  curse Canaan  when it was HAM  who actually SAW HIS NAKENESS ??? ..."AND HAM , THE FATHER OF CANAAN   SAW THE NAKENESS OF HIS FATHER "... Please see this verse in The Masoretic Text HAM   saw   the   Nakeness   of   his   father   Noah   (which   is   to   say   that   HAM    commited   a   sexual   act). In   the   -GENESIS   9:   20-25    narrative   more   is   being   said   than   an   initial   impression   would indicate.   The   notion   of   NAKEDNESS    in   the   Holy   Bible   has   a   broader   meaning   than   it   does normally! Please Consider the following... ..."The   NAKEDNESS    of   your   father's   wife   you   shall   not   uncover;   IT   IS   YOUR   FATHER'S NAKEDNESS "... -LEVITICUS 18: 8 ..."And   a   man   who   lies   with   his   father's   wife,   who   HAS   UNCOVERED   THE   NAKEDNESS   OF HIS FATHER "... -LEVITICUS 20: 11 ..."Cursed   is   he   who   lies   with   his   father's   wife,   because   he   UNCOVERS   HIS   FATHER'S SKIRT !"... -DEUTERONOMY 27: 20 The   above   Scriptures   could   imply   that   the   person   compromised   in   -GENESIS   9:   20-25    was Noah's    wife   ( Emzara ).   However,   notice   the   following   Scripture   which   seems   to   widen   the application   of   the   definition   of   one's   NAKEDNESS .   Please   now   consider   -LEVITICUS   18:   10   which reads as follows... ..."The NAKEDNESS of your son's daughter, or your daughter's daughter; YOU SHALL NOT UNCOVER THEIR NAKEDNESS, for THEIR NAKEDNESS is YOUR OWN NAKEDNESS"... -LEVITICUS 18: 10 -GENESIS   9:   20-25    has   never   ever   really   been   clearly   understood.   Bible   teachers   and commentaries   rightly   condemned   Ham .   But   however   they   never   really   explain   why   Canaan , and   not   HAM ,   was   cursed!   The   Masoretic   genealogical   text   does   not   even   count   Canaan   ( Cainan )   as   a   son   of   Sham    ( Sem / Shem ).   But   the   Septuagint   (LXX)   genealogical   text   does. WHY??? NOAH SHEM ARPHAXAD   CAINAN   SALAH EBER PELEG  -LUKE 3: NOAH SHEM ARPHAXAD   CAINAN   SALAH EBER PELEG -GENESIS 11: NOAH  HAM  CANAAN            ??? I   will   now   give   the   untold   reason   and   correct   explaination   which   will   fully   answer   such questions.   It   seems   very   unlikely   that   HAM    would   have   been   attracted   to   his   own   mother   ( Emzara ),   but   a   younger   daughter   (a   grand-daughter,   or   great   grand-daugther)   or   inlaw   of Noah    was   evidently   living   with   Noah    and   his   wife   ( Emzara ).   In   summary,   it   happened   that   a woman   related   to   Noah    (surely   Rasueja    the   wife   of   Arphaxad )   was   uncovered   and   then subsequently   became   compromised   by   HAM .   Noah    being   drunk   was   unable   to   prevent   this transgression.   HAM ,   also   secretly   took   the   birthright   garments   of   skin   that   were   passed   down from   God.   Shem    and   Japheth    acted   TO   COVER   THE   NAKEDNESS    ..."Their   faces   were turned away and they did not see their father's nakedness "... How   is   this   linked   to   -GENESIS   10:   24   of   the   Septuagint   (LXX);   -LUKE   3:   35-36   of   the New    Testament    (NT),    and    to    -JUBILEES    8:    1-6    of    the    Book    of    Jubilees    (BOJ) genealogies ?   By   connecting   the   -GENESIS   9:   20-25    account   with   the   Canaan    context   of   - GENESIS   10:   24    o f   the   Septuagint   (LXX) ;   -LUKE   3:   35-36   of   the   New   Testament   (NT) ; together   with   -JUBILEES   8:   1-9   of   the   Book   of   Jubilees   (BOJ)   genealogies ,   all   tells   us that   CANAAN    ( Cainan / Kainam )   got   cursed   by   Noah    as   a   result   of   some   sexual   act   that   HAM   his   father   had   commited   at   Noah's    home,   while   Noah    was   drunk! And   that   HAM    FATHERED A SON  as a result of it! AND THAT SON WAS CANAAN (Cainan/Kainam) It   was   evidently   Rasueja    (wife   of Arphaxad ),   the   daughter   of   Susan   and    Elam ,   who   HAM   had compromised   at   Noah's    home   when   Noah    was   drunk,   and   the   results   of   that   adulterous relationship   was   the   birth   of   a   son   who   Noah    called   CANAAN    ( Cainan / Kainam )      -THE   BOOK OF   JUBILEES   8:   1-6 .   Adultery   (sexual   intercourse   of   a   married   person   with   other   than   the marriage    partner)    is    strictly    forbidden    in    the    Holy    Scriptures    -EXODUS    20:    14 ;    - DEUTERONOMY   5:   18 .   Punishable   under   the   law   of   God   with   death   by   stoning   -LEVITCUS 20:   10 ;   -DEUTERONOMY   22:   22 .   Instead   of   HAM    and   RASUEJA    being   punished   with   death ( which   would   have   completly   cut   off   the   Arphaxadic   family   name ),   their   illegitimate   son CAINAN    ( Kainam / Canaan ),   was   prophetically   cursed   into   slavery   by   Noah .   Whatever   the case,   the   genealogical   texts   of   -GENESIS   11:   10-13   of   the   Septuagint   (LXX);   -LUKE   3:   35- 36   of   the   New   Testament   (NT)   and   -JUBILEES   8:   1-6   of   the   Book   of   Jubilees    ---   by recording: ..."of SHELAH (Sala/Shalah), of CAINAN (Kainam), of ARPHAXAD (Arpachshad)"... Was merely documenting that SHELAH (Sala/Shalah) was the son of CAINAN (Kainam) who was acknowledged as THE SON of ARPHAXAD (Arpachshad) who was acknowledgede as THE FATHER of CAINAN (Kainam). When   Noah    finally   realized   that   RASUEJA ,   his   grand-daughter   inlaw   (who   was   evidently living   with   Noah ),   was   big   with   child   by   his   son   HAM ,   he   then   called   the   future   child   CANAAN   and   put   a   prophetic   curse   of   slavery   on   him   and   his   descendants,   instead   of   administering the   death   penalty   to   HAM    and   RASUEJA    for   the   sin   committed.   Why   does   the   name   CAINAN   ( Kainam )   appear   in   -GENESIS   11:   10-13   of   the   Septuagint   (LXX);   -LUKE   3:   35-36   of   the New    Testament    (NT);    and    in    -JUBILEES    8:    1-6    of    the    Book    Of    Jubilees    (BOJ) genealogies ? The   name   CAINAN    ( Kainam )   was   actually   the   original   name   of   the   youngest   son   of   HAM . The   name   CANAAN    means:   Servant   of   servants ,   a   name   which   was   infact   prophetically given    to    him    by    his    grand-father,    Noah ,    after    the    -GENESIS    9:    20-25     incident.    This clarification   of   -GENESIS   11:   10-13   of   the   Septuagint   (LXX);   -LUKE   3:   35-36   of   the   New Testament   (NT);   and   -JUBILEES   8:   1-6   of   the   Book   Of   Jubilees   (BOJ)   genealogies ,   also extends   the   breadth   of   the   meaning   of   the   word   FATHERED .   It   shows   that   the   word   can   be   in reference to: 1.) A Biological (Blood-Line) father. 2.) A male parent who raised the child (i.e. A Non Blood-Line parent) 3.) A grandfather or distant relative. 4.) A father-in-law. Please Take Note: This   awareness   of   the   meaning   of   the   term   FATHER    assists   one   in   understanding   some   of the other discrepancies that can be seen in recorded genealogies. So, Who was the true father of Shalah  ( Sala / Shelah )? A)     Cainan     ( Kainam / Canaan )     is    the    True    Biological    (Blood-Line)    Father    of     Shalah   ( Sala / Shelah ). B)   Arphaxad  ( Arpachshad ) is acknowledged as the father of   Shalah ( Sala / Shelah ). In reality HAM   was the True Biological (Blood-Line) father of Cainan  ( Kainam / Canaan) . REFLECTION : The reason for ..."the son of CAINAN (Kainam)"... in -GENESIS 11: 10-13 of the Septuagint (LXX); -LUKE 3: 35-36 of the New Testament (NT); and in -JUBILEES 8: 1-5 of the Book Of Jubilees (BOJ) genealogies, was actually to bring us to a understanding of the events which resulted in the prophetic cursing of CANAAN -GENESIS 9: 25, and of his descendants into slavery (servitude) -GENESIS 15: 13-14. CANAAN (Cainan/Kainam), who was actually of Hamitic lineage, was doubtlessly the ONLY male figure at the time  ARPHAXAD (Arpachshad), who was of Shemitic lineage, had to build his family name through. CAINAN (Kainam/Canaan) was recorded as one of the sons of Shem in the genealogical text of the Septuagint (LXX): ..."Sons   of   Sem ,   Elam,   and   Assur,   and   Arphaxad ,   and   Lud,   and   Aram,   AND   CAINAN "...   - GENESIS 10: 22 [Septuagint LXX] Please Take Note:  ..." AND CAINAN "... CAINAN   ( Kainam / Canaan )   was   acknowledged   as   a   son   of   Shem .   But   because   CAINAN   ( Kainam / Canaan )   was   ethnically   of   Hamitic   lineage   and   not   of   Shemitic   lineage,   his   name has   been   left   out   of   the   genealogical   tables   of   the   Masoretic   Text   (MT)    of   the   Holy   Bible, and   so,   CAINAN    ( Kainam / Canaan )   was   not   counted   as   a   son   of    Shem    or   as   a   son   of   Arphaxad    in   it.   So,   CAINAN    ( Kainam / Canaan )   was   prophetically   cursed   by   Noah   because   of the sin of his father HAM. CUSH THE BROTHER OF CANAAN AND HIS SON NIMROD Eber (ancestor of AbraHam) married Azurad, the daughter of Nimrod (a son of Cush). Cainan  (Kainam/Canaan) and Cush were brothers through HAM, their father. To Eber and Azurad  was born Peleg, who was infact 95% Hamitic -THE BOOK OF JUBILEES 8: 1-9. Cush the brother of Cainan (Kainam/Canaan) had the garments of skin from God in his possession and hid them from his brothers and sons. But when Nimrod was born, Cush gave the garments of skin to him and at the age of 20 years old Nimrod put them on: …”And   Cush   also   concealed   them   from   his   sons   and   brothers,   and   when   Cush   had   begotten Nimrod,   he   gave   him   those   garments   through   his   love   for   him,   and   Nimrod   grew   up,   and when   he   was   twenty   years   old   he   put   on   those   garments.   And   Nimrod   became   strong   when he   put   on   the   garments,   and   God   gave   him   might   and   strength,   and   he   was   a   mighty   hunter in   the   earth,   yea,   he   was   a   mighty   hunter   in   the   field,   and   he   hunted   the   animals   and   he   built altars,   and   he   offered   upon   them   the   animals   before   the   Lord.   And   Nimrod   strengthened himself,   and   he   rose   up   from   amongst   his   brethren,   and   he   fought   the   battles   of   his   brethren against   all   their   enemies   round   about. And   the   Lord   delivered   all   the   enemies   of   his   brethren in   his   hands,   and   God   prospered   him   from   time   to   time   in   his   battles,   and   he   reigned   upon earth.   Therefore   it   became   current   in   those   days,   when   a   man   ushered   forth   those   that   he had   trained   up   for   battle,   he   would   say   to   them,   Like   God   did   to   Nimrod,   who   was   a   mighty hunter   in   the   earth,   and   who   succeeded   in   the   battles   that   prevailed   against   his   brethren,   that he   delivered   them   from   the   hands   of   their   enemies,   so   may   God   strengthen   us   and   deliver   us this day”... -BOOK OF JASHER 7: 29-33 Nimrod    (the   Greek   form   is   "Nebrod"   )   was   the   father   of   Azurad ,   who   was   the   wife   of   Eber . Azurad    the   daughter   of   Nimrod    was   the   mother   of   Peleg .   So   Nimrod    was   an   ancestor   of AbraHam , and so of all Hebrews (Abarim): …”[And   in   the   fourth   year   he   was   born],   and   Shelah    grew   up   and   took   to   himself   a   wife,   and her   name   was   Muak ,   the   daughter   of   Kesed ,   his   father's   brother,   in   the   one   and   thirtieth jubilee,   in   the   fifth   week,   in   the   first   year   thereof.   And   she   bare   him   a   son   in   the   fifth   year thereof,   and   he   called   his   name   Eber :   and   he   took   unto   himself   a   wife,   and   her   name   was Azurad ,   the   daughter   of   Nebrod   ( Nimrod ),   in   the   thirty-second   jubilee,   in   the   seventh   week,   in the   third   year   thereof.   And   in   the   sixth   year   thereof,   she   bare   him   a   son,   and   he   called   his name   Peleg ;   for   in   the   days   when   he   was   born   the   children   of   Noah    began   to   divide   the   earth amongst   themselves:   for   this   reason   he   called   his   name   Peleg .   And   they   divided   it   secretly amongst themselves, and told it to Noah ”... -THE BOOK OF JUBILEES 8: 6-9
By Titus Williams (Aka : Moreh Yaabez)
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