..."For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast"... -PSALM 33: 9
I greet you with the greeting word of Shalam! And I affirm that AHAYAH is the Only True GOD and that there is no other GOD but He; and that Yosha Ha Natsiri (Jesus The Nazoraean) is His Messiah (Christ), the Son and Servant (Mediator) that He sent.
We who teach the people today are in a dangerous position. Because handling the Word of GOD is nothing to be played with and the salvation of the people is nothing to be played with. Teaching the Gospel of the Messiah (Christ) is not big business. Teaching the Gospel of the Messiah (Christ) is serious. Because how we handle the Word of GOD can sentence people to death or prepare them for Eternal Life. What's happening to the men and women of GOD today that their teachings is not saving souls, but condeming them to death and eternal fire.
..."Anyone who goes too far and does not abide in the teachings of the Messiah (Christ), does not have GOD; the one who abides in the teaching, he has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house, and do not give him a greeting; for the one who gives him a greeting participates in his evil deeds"... -2 JOHN 1: 9-11
Now, let's study a passage that many teachers use to convince people to believe that Jesus is the "True God". Keep in mind that we are to believe that Yosha (Jesus) is the Messiah (Christ) -1 JOHN 2: 22-23. Not that he is the "True God". The Gospel of John was written for that very reason, to convince people to believe that Jesus is the Messiah (Christ) and in believing we may embrace Eternal Life in his name -JOHN 20: 31. But some teachers have taken things way too far. Please let us now consider
-JOHN 1: 1, which reads as follows----
..." In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God"... -JOHN 1: 1
The above verse has been taken way out of context and misinterpreted for many years by "people of extraordinary faith" who believe that the verse is saying:
..."In the beginning was Jesus, and Jesus was with God, and Jesus was God"... -JOHN 1: 1
The above verse has been taken way out of context and misinterpreted for many years by "people of extraordinary faith" who believe that the verse is saying:
..."In the beginning was Jesus, and Jesus was with God, and Jesus was God"... -JOHN 1: 1
In reality, the text does not read "In the beginning was Jesus". John did not write the name Jesus in his original manuscript. If he had meant that, he would have simply used the name Jesus. John wrote what he knew to be the Truth. In the beginning was the "Spoken Word" (The Command of GOD). The truth is that confused teachers have used the name "Jesus" as a SUBSTITUTION for the Greek word "Logos" which is actually used in the Greek text by the apostle.
In reality many Bible students have been mistaught by teachers who have misunderstood the verse for years and are dreaming up, imagining, implying, suggesting, alluding or insinuating the name of Jesus into the text. The concept of SUBSTITUTING the original Greek term 'Logos' with "Jesus" has been the traditional norm for the past many centuries. So, it is not easy to believe otherwise. Is this "substitution" any where closer to the literal translation of the Greek word "Logos"? The answer is, No.
The Greek term 'Logos' is derived from the root word 'Lego' meaning "to speak". The literal translation of the word 'Logos' is "something said, or spoken (including the thought)". A Command that is spoken. A thought that is expressed by speech. The verification of this literal translation is very simple. Please refer to any good English Dictionary. Under the word 'Decalogue' you will find the meaning; "The Ten Commandments", (deka = ten + logos = commands). The dictionary also translates the word 'Logos' as "discourse, reason, and (rarely or last of all) as word".
With the traditional incorrect "substitution" the verse reads:
..."And Jesus was with God and Jesus was God"...
All one has to do is to use the common sense which GOD gave us all. How can Jesus be "with" GOD, and "was" GOD, at the same time? It defies the common sense (which GOD gave us all, the chain of thoughts). The correct and literal translation reads:
..."In the beginning was the 'Spoken Word, Command', and the 'Spoken Word, Command' was with God, and Divine was the 'Spoken Word, Command'"... -JOHN 1: 1
The opening of John's Gospel coincides perfectly with the prologue of the Book of Genesis which reads:
..."In the beginning GOD created the heavens and the earth"... -GENESIS 1: 1
..."And GOD said, Let there be light; and there was light"... -GENESIS 1: 3
..."And GOD said"... -GENESIS 1: 6
..."And GOD said"... -GENESIS 1: 9
..."And GOD said"... -GENESIS 1: 11
..."And GOD said"... -GENESIS 1: 14
..."And GOD said"... -GENESIS 1: 20
..."And GOD said"... -GENESIS 1: 24
..."And GOD said"... -GENESIS 1: 26
..."And GOD said"... -GENESIS 1: 29
The reason behind the rendering of 'Logos' as "Divine" in -JOHN 1: 1 above, is based upon the usage of Greek grammar. Here is a brief explanation for those who are interested in the grammar. In the second line, the phrase used by John for "God" is 'Ho Theo', meaning 'THE GOD'. In the last line it is simply 'Theo', the definitive article 'the' is missing. It is not written because here 'Theo' is a predicate of the preceding subject. The predicate is used to denote the nature, quality, attribute or property of the subject. In this instance the nature of the spoken command happens to be "Divine".
In the 'New translation of the Bible' (1922) by the famous Dr. James Moffatt, it reads; "the Logos was Divine". And, the similar translations appear in 'The Complete Bible - An American Translation' (Smith-Goodspeed); 'The Authentic New Testament' by Hugh J. Schonfield and the translations done by; Haenchen, Lyder Brun and Madsen.
-JOHN 1: 2-3 would also translate perfectly with the correct literal translation and further compliment the opening passages from the Book Of Genesis. The Greek word 'houtos' {Strong's - 3778} should be literally translated as "the same" (meaning, the spoken word), instead of "he". In the King James Version, it reads; "The same was in the beginning with God", which supports the above clarification. So, -JOHN 1: 2-3 should correctly read:
..."It (the Command) was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through it (the Command) and without it (the Command) not one thing came into being"...
Please read -GENESIS 1: 1+3+6+9+11+14+20+24+26+29. It will compel the misled Bible student to admit the Truth. In -ISAIAH 45: 12 GOD says:
..."I have made the earth and created man upon it; I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded"... -ISAIAH 45: 12
Those who have a hard head and prefer to substitute "Logos" with Jesus and read:
..."All things came into being through him (Jesus)"...
Are requested to read -MATTHEW 19: 4. While Jesus was drawing the attention of the Pharisees to the Old Testament passages -GENESIS 1: 27, 5: 2 and -ISAIAH 45: 12, Jesus clearly points out that it was GOD Himself (not he), Who created humanity.
With the correct literal translation -JOHN 1: 4 would read:
..."In it (the spoken Command) was life, and the life was the light for all people"...
In -JOHN 1: 6-9 we are told that John the Baptist was sent into this world in advance. He himself was not the light. But John was sent as a witness to testify of that light, so that all might believe through him in what was to come. This true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into this world after him. The rest is easy to follow once we understand the most important verse number 14.
-JOHN 1: 14 And the "Logos" (the spoken word, Command, wherein was life and light) became flesh (by entering the womb of the Virgin Mary). No Bible student can deny the fact that whenever GOD wanted to create anything (e.g. Light, Vegetation, Living Creatures, etc.,) He had been using His Commands to do just that. In this instance, He chose to make His Righteous Messiah through this unique "one of a kind" (-JOHN 3: 16) Command. Briefly, it was the Command of GOD that became flesh (the body of Jesus within Mary). This also explains the Virgin Birth through Mary.
To say that GOD Himself became flesh (Jesus, upon this earth) is not only a serious blasphemy -EXODUS 20: 3, but has been explicitly and repeatedly rejected by Jesus himself, as shown from the beginning of this study. The only other alternative would be to say; GOD Incarnate came to this earth and GOD made an utterly false statement, concerning the CRUCIAL issue of embracing "Eternal Life", in -JOHN 17: 3. The choice is yours, what to believe and what to reject.
If John wanted to write "Jesus", why would he write "Logos" instead? There is no record of Jesus being ever addressed as "Logos" by any one in the New Testament.
"...if any one proclaims to you a Gospel contrary to what you have received, let that one be accursed"... -GALATIANS 1: 9
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Shalam (Be At Peace!)
Ambassador T. Williams
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..."For they exchange the truth of GOD for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, Who is blessed forever; Amen"...
-ROMANS 1: 25