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Dimensions Of Man
By Moreh Titus
Man is made up of three major dimensions of being, inwhich are three associated realms of consciousness (Minds), one in each of the three major dimensions of being. The three fundamental dimensions of being are:

1.) The Tabernacle or Physical (Phisi) Dimension.

2.) The Inner Self or Spirit (Ruach) Dimension.

3.) The Outer Self or Soul (Nefesh) Dimension.

Man is a Nefesh (Conscious Soul or Being) and has several dimensions. However, this does not mean that they are separate entities, but rather that they are elements of an organic whole. Man is a far more complete being than generally imagined. He is not only a Body and a Spirit, but he is a Soul possessing a Consciousness, which has several dimensions for expression, these several dimensions being of different degrees of density, the physical body being the lowest form of expression. These different dimensions manifest such as:
The Real Self is Pure Consciousness---a SPARK of the Divine Consciousness. This consciousness is encased within sheaths, which prevent it's full expression.

As man advances in development, his consciousness passes from the lower dimensions to the higher, and he becomes more and more aware of his higher nature. The Spirit contains within it all potentialities, and as man progresses he unfolds new powers and new qualities.

Street Preacha teaches that man is actually composed of three basic principles (a threefold creature). The best way to think of man is to realize that the Spirit is the True Self, and that the lower dimensions are but confining sheaths.

Man's consciousness may manifest within several dimensions, that is, the highly developed man, as the majority of men of this age can manifest only upon the lower dimension of being, the higher dimensions not having as of yet been reached by them, although every man, no matter how undeveloped, possess these principles potentially.
The three dimensions of being and their mental principles (which are the three fundamental dimensions of being and their counterparts), as taught by Street Preacha are:

1.) The Tabernacle or Physical (Phisi) Dimension and it's mental principle the Instinctive-Consciousness. This part of man and it's mental principle have been attained basically by all who live.

2.) The Inner Self or Spirit (Ruach) Dimension and it's mental principle the Self-Consciousness. This part of man and it's mental principle have been attained by a few.

3.) The Outer Self or Soul (Nefesh) Dimension and it's mental principle the Super-Consciousness. This part of man and it's mental principle have been attained by practically none of this human race at this present time.