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Physical Fitness
By Malak Titus
..."For physical exercise is only of little profit, but saintliness is profitable for all things, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come "...
-1 TIMOTHY 4: 8
This five (5) minute Physical Exercise for Nazoraean-Israelites is to help you loosen up and relax the body before Prayer. Please Note: -Check with your doctor before attempting any exercises.

Stand with your arms by your side, breathe normally and keep the head and shoulders relaxed at all times.

1.) FEET ROLLS - Left Foot 5 times to the right and 5 times to the left. Right Foot 5 times to the left and 5 times to the right.

2.) IN PLACE WALK - 60 steps.

3.) HIP  ROLLS - 5 to the left and 5 to the right.

4.) TRUNK TWIST - 10 times starting from the left.

5.) ARM CIRCLES - 5 large circles to the front and 5 large circles to the back with the left arm. 5 large circles to the front and 5 large circles to the back with the right arm.

6.) FLINCH HANDS - 25 times both hands at the same time.

7.) NECK STRETCH - 5 times to the left side and 5 times to the right side. 5 times to the front and 5 times to the back.

8.) HEAD ROTATION - 5 rotations starting left and 5 rotations starting right.

9.) EYE MASSAGE AND BLINKS - 5 circles clockwise and 5 circles counter clockwise. Plus 25 blinks.

10.) SKULL MASSAGE - Hold top of head with both hands and massage it. 20 times.