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Structure Of Man
By Malak Titus
Man (Anosh) is made up of three major realms of human existence. The three basic realms of human existence are:

1.) The Spirit
(Rukha) Realm.

2.) The Soul (
Ha Nephesh) Realm.

3.) The Body (
Ha Gufah) Realm.

(Anosh) is a Tri-unity being with a 3-dimensional Soul. However, this does not mean that they are all separate entities, but rather that they are all elements of one organic whole.

(Anosh) is a far more complete being than generally imagined. He is not only a Physical and Spiritual being---

..."It is sown a Psuchikos (Natural) body; it is raised a Pneumatikos (Spiritual) body. There is a Psuchikos (Natural) body and there is a Pneumatikos (Spiritual) body"... -1 CORINTHIANS 15: 44

---But he is also a Soul which has 3-dimensions for expressing it's self.

These 3-realms of human existence are of different degrees of density, the Physical Body being the densest form of expression.
The Spirit (Ha Rukha) Realm is composed of Pure 'Aur Ha Khaiyim (Light of The Life)---SPARKS of the Omnipresent 'Aur Ha Khaiyim (Light of The Life). The Spirit (Ha Rukha) Realm contains within it all potentialities, and as man (Anosh) progresses in emerging his Soul in Spirit he unfolds new powers and new qualities (Spiritual Gifts -1 CORINTHIANS 12: 1-11).

Nazoraean-Israel Spirit-Soul-Body Institute (NISSBI) teaches that man
(Anosh) is actually composed of three basic principles (a threefold creature). The best way to think of man (Anosh) is to realize that The Soul (Ha Nephesh) is the True Self. Emersion of The Soul in Body (or flesh) is death. But emersion of the Soul (or Mind) in Spirit is life and peace.

..."For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace"... -ROMANS 8: 6
The 3-Realms of human existence and the 3-dimensions of Soul taught by the NISSBI are:

                         THE 3-REALMS OF HUMAN EXISTENCE

1.) The Spirit (
Ha Rukha) Realm.

2.) The Soul (
Ha Nephesh) Realm. 

3.) The Body (
Ha Gufah) Realm.

                                   THE 3-DIMENSIONS OF SOUL

The Soul (Mind or Inner Man) is the realm of human existence that originates in the brain and manifests in 3 basic dimensions:

1.) Unconsciousness - The dimension of Unconsciousness is processing at the same time, much like a microchip in a computer processes outside of our conscious view. Normally we only experience the dimension of Unconsciousness during Dreaming sleep, when the many images and impressions combine and re-combine to form inner realities. The Soul or Mind in the dimension of Sleep.

2.) Subconsciousness - Is the repository of data, memories, and recorded impressions, much like the hard drive of a computer. It is drawn on as needed for Unconsciousness and Consciousness. Impressions arise from this dimension of Subconsciousness, causing a stirring of the Unconscious and Conscious emotions and thoughts, as well as leading to actions and speech in the external world. When we see objects or people in Dreams, it is from the dimension of Subconsciousness that the mind draws the memory of those images. The Soul or Mind In the dimension of Remembrance.

3.) Consciousness - Is the dimension we experience in our active lives. However, Unconsciousness and Subconsciousness are also actively being used in the service of Consciousness, with all three dimensions working together as a integrated whole. The Soul or Mind in the dimension of Wakefulness.
..."Now may the God of Peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your Spirit and Soul and Body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Adon Ha Moshel Yosha (Lord Jesus Christ)"... -1 THESSALONIANS 5: 23